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What is it

i18n is an abbreviation of internationalization and is the process of designing a software application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without engineering changes.

When to use it

Use i18n when building user interfaces that will be used by non-Einride users. It's usually much easier to add support for i18n right away compared to adding support for i18n in an existing application.

How to use it

Here are a few conventions to try to follow.

The translation keys use a mix of camelCase and snake_case on the form thisIsTheTranslationKey_modifier where the modifier could be a pluralisation modifier, a context modifier or a meaning modifier (error, button or similar).

For keys shared among multiple pages, use the common nesting group. For translations belonging to a specific component use the component group and for page specific translations use the page group. If there's good reasons to keep a group of keys on the top level do so. A good example for that would be global errors.

"pages": {
"page1": {
"components": {
"AComponentName": {
"common": {
"errors": {

Nested translation keys

I18n supports nesting of translation keys. This can quickly get complicated and add a lot of complexity for the translator. It might also cause unintended side effects. Changing a nested key might have grammar or layout effects that isn't easy to detect. As an example of how quickly the translations become complex is this:

"claimShipments": "$t(common.claim) {{count}} $t(common.shipment, {\"count\": {{count}}})"

This evaluates to claim 1 shipment or claim 2 shipments. But that's not directly obvious from the translation and it's easy to make mistakes. Note the escaped " and the fact that we need to pass count down to the second key. And this is just a very "simple" example.

The preferred way of writing this would instead be:

"claimShipment_one": "Claim {{count}} shipment",
"claimShipment_other": "Claim {{count}} shipments"

How to learn it

See react-i18next for a specific library that will help implementing i18n.